Monday, October 24, 2011

2 Month Check-Up and Shots

Today was our 2 month doctor's visit and with that visit comes the first round of shots. I was so worried, I had heard stories from friends about how horrible and sad it was to watch your little baby get stuck and how the following 24 hours would be filled with crying, fever and soreness. I was so nervous for my little guy, but he did great! He got two shots per thigh and although he cried hard when they were given he was quickly consoled after some mommy lovin and a paci, I even got a couple smiles before we left the office. What a trooper my little man is, I'm so proud of him, he is so mother, like son, haha. Hopefully the next 24 hours go well!

The doctor was very impressed with his growth and development, he said he was a very healthy baby and that we are very lucky to have a breastfed baby sleep through the night like he does!

2 month (9 weeks and 6 days) stats:

Weight: 13 lbs 5 oz
Length: 23.25 inches

Grayson on his way to his check-up

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, I love that pic! His sleeper is ADORABLE!!!! Glad things went well today. Hope he does good the next 24 hours & isn't grumpy :)
